US President Barrack Hussein Obama is scheduled to visit Kenya this coming July. Obama will be visiting Kenya for the first time since he was elected to the most powerful seat in the world, Presidency of the United States of America. President Obama will be in Kenya for the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES)
Kenyans are so excited about this visit especially because Obama has his roots in this country. Obama's Father Barrack Obama senior hailed from Siaya and was studying in the US when he met Obama's mother.
The last time president Obama visited Kenya was in 2006 while still a senator for Illinois. Obama has repeatedly skipped Kenya as he visited other countries including neighboring Tanzania. He has also visited South Africa Egypt and Senegal.
The government of Kenya has agreed to co-host The Global Entrepreneurship Summit for 2015. The summit connects emerging entrepreneurs with leaders from Business, International organizations and Governments looking to support them
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